Why should I take this course?

Does having an itchy dog give you sleepless nights?

Are you worried that itching and inflammation might get worse or they are signs of something more serious, such as an autoimmune disease or cancer?

Frustrated with conventional treatment and that you can’t do more to help?

Feel guilty that you’re not doing more, or are to blame in some way?

Unsure if your dog's diet is helping or making matters worse?

Feel overwhelmed by all the information on itching out there, and don't know which way to turn? 

Concerned about the financial strain of repeated vet visits without an end in sight, and the side effects of drugs on long term health?

Anxious about what the future holds for your dog and the impact of their skin condition or overall health and well-being?

Feel helpless because all options have been exhausted, and nothing has really worked?
We understand that you might have a few concerns before deciding to enrol. But we assure you that this investment is worth it, and here's why:

"I've tried everything and nothing works." 
Don't worry, relief is within reach. 'Helping My Itchy Dog' provides solutions you are likely to have never heard of or tried before, which have worked for countless dogs like yours, and pet parents who were once in your position, like Fiona, Becky and Lorraine below.

"I don't know what to believe or who to trust."
We completely understand. It's easy to get lost in a sea of information and advice online. And difficult to know what is true and what isn't. With 40 years veterinary expertise helping pet parents like you separate fact from fiction, and what works and what doesn't, you will soon feel confident you're on the right path to improving your dog's well-being - with no guessing.  

"I don't have time for an online course."
The course is also designed to be easily accessible and convenient for busy pet parents, so that you can take advantage of the information and tools provided, at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. No pressure, no rush.

“It sounds complicated."

Not at all. The content provided is written in plain English, is a breeze to navigate, with clear engaging visuals, and what to do is laid out in easy to follow simple steps. And what’s more, Dr. Vince provides personal support via email and regular live question and answer zoom meets to make sure you have everything you need to make progress and achieve the best possible outcome for you and your dog. 

"I'm worried the course won't work for my dog." 
We know every dog is different, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. We’re confident however, that our course will provide you with the knowledge you need to provide your dog with the relief they deserve.

"I'm afraid to spend money on something that might not work." 
Our course provides natural solutions that help you to save money on vet visits and drugs - and at a fraction of the cost of a few consultations and courses of medication. Many pet parents we’ve helped have literally saved £1,000's over the years. And on top of this, there is the joy of seeing a far healthier, happier pet. And who can put a price on that?

"I'm concerned that any improvements seen won’t last.”
Once your pet has improved we’re not done. Continued support by email, newsletters and Dr. Vince, ensures that Helping My Itchy Dog is a long-term investment in your dog’s health and well-being.  

But don’t just take our word for it...
“After watching the videos on the course, I made one change to Ruby’s diet and her itching plummeted from 7 - 8 out of 10, to 1 - 2 out of 10 (where 10 out of 10 is the worst).”

"I signed up for the food sensitivities - itchy skin programme and it's been absolutely life changing! We have been lucky enough to have been supported by Vince and his team over the last 12 months. It's so easy to become overwhelmed when your dog is constantly itching, licking and facing constant visits to the vets, and you don't know which way to turn to help for the best. Thankfully we found Vince the Vet! Now I believe Skye licks and scratches much less than a non allergy dog would do.”

"I can't thank Vince enough for the wealth of knowledge I have gained from enrolling in the 'Helping My Itchy Dog' course. It is so well designed and methodical, and has helped me to understand how my dogs have been feeling and the signs that I have missed. I have two itchy dogs, Georgie and Teddy, and have been backwards and forwards to the vet for almost a year now - spending thousands of pounds and getting absolutely nowhere. I now understand how to work through all the steps which are clearly laid out in the course and feel confident that I will be able to help my dogs live a happier and less itchy if not itch-free life. Thank you so much Vince!"

Helping My Itchy Dog 


Dr. Vince will guide you step by step through the different causes of itching, and help you identify which are responsible for your dog's skin problem. Natural solutions will be provided, which have proven highly effective for many thousands of dogs. Personal email and Zoom support will be provided by Dr. Vince to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome for your dog. 

Holistic vet Dr. Vince MacNally BVSc VetMFHom MRCVS

Online course - 4 weeks access


Learn at your own pace



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